About the HF Development Academy


The Hills Football Development Academy Program aims to break new ground in football development, by providing local community football players in the Hills district the opportunity to receive quality coaching and training opportunities, at an affordable price.

The Hills Community will see our association program as a centre of excellence in the delivery of the football experience. Our association-wide program will provide coaching and development opportunities for young players to learn the necessary skills required to take their football to the next level. For the player this may mean playing in a higher division, playing representative football. We are dedicated to helping our players football goals become reality!

Our attention of the program focus is for all players and skill levels, not solely around the elite space. We aim to provide players with a platform to show off their potential, and learn new skills and techniques in a fun, inclusive, and safe environment. This open opportunity for self-development will extend beyond just players to inspire our future generation of coaches.

Our Football coaching pathway aims to become the leading stage for coach education in the country. We look to motivate young passionate coaches, as well as provide our coaches with mentoring opportunities and resources from our technical department to ensure the program delivery is of quality with a player focus. This will ensure a positive learning experience for our players whilst building the coaching pool in the Hills along with increasing the retention of coaches and players apart of the Academy. 

This two-fold approach of the development program with both player and coach will continue to push Hills Football to the forefront of local Football in Australia. Underpinned by not only our commitment to excellence, but also more importantly, by our commitment to equal opportunity for all players.


For the Hills Football Development Academy Parent Handbook please click on the link below;

HF Development Academy Parent Handbook

For the Hills Football Development Academy Player Homework Sheet please click on the link below;

HF Development Academy Homework Sheet



Hills Football Development's Primary focus is centered on the development of an individual’s technique, decision-making skills & love for the game. 

Moving away from typical Football Drills, Sessions conducted in HF Development Program are fun, innovative and dynamic. Each session successfully maximises the participants time on the ball while encouraging quick decisions and teamwork to achieve a common goal or target

At HF Development, we believe that it is ultimately our goal to develop young footballers' physical literacy. Given such, we are continuously striving to provide our players the platform to not only grow as footballers but also as respectable young people in today’s society.

Our team of coaches are devoted as role models playing vital roles towards our young footballers both on and off the field. This is apart of the academy's philosophy as we contribute towards our sport to ensure the future of our game is in safe hands.   

We are devoted to developing grassroots footballers in the Hills District.

“Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming” (John Wooden)

What is it?

The Hills Football Development Academy Program is an initiative that gives access to all Hills Footballers aged between 5 to 16 the chance to develop their skills at an affordable rate. The program also offers Goal Keepers training for players aged 7 to 12, along with Girls Only training for girls aged 7 to 12. Across our individual training groups, our overall core focus targets technical and individual development. 

The Hills Football Academy is designed for players of all ability, skill level, and divisions. Our training program delivery increases participation and time on the ball, with an age group focus to ensure the best possible development outcomes. Participating players could be identified for future talent identification programs along with opening pathways at various levels in the world of football.

Our coaching staff are fully qualified under the Football Federation Australia (FFA) National curriculum guidelines. The program is based on the national curriculum methodology of the Skill Acquisition Training Phase. This includes the principles of play in both attack and defense while executing the four core skills of first touch, striking the ball, running with the ball, and 1 v 1. It is through our program that we aim to foster our player’s development creating smarter and faster players to achieve their individual goals. We guarantee a high-quality program that is in unison with the country’s football ambitions.

The Development Program allows our players to train all year round with 4 training terms that are in line with the school calendar.



The Hills Football Development Academy Program is open to all players of all abilities ideally those who are registered to one of the Hills Football member clubs. Below is a list of the Age Groups based on what year a player was born and their training times.

Players Born

Age groups

Location 1. Training Times (Monday)

Location 1. Training Times (Wednesday)

Location 2. Training Times (Friday)

2018 – 2019

U5’s – U6’s (Mixed)

5:00pm – 6:00pm

Session 1 (1h)

5:00pm – 6:00pm

Session 1 (1h)

5:30pm – 6:30pm

Session 1 (1h)

2016 – 2017

U7’s – U8’s (Boys)

2015 – 2017

Goalkeepers U7’s – U9’s

2015 – 2017

Girls ONLY U7’s – U9’s

6:10pm - 7:10pm

Session 2 (1h)

6:10pm - 7:10pm

Session 2 (1h)

6:40pm - 7:40pm

Session 2 (1h)

2012 – 2014

Girls ONLY U10’s – U12’s

2014 – 2015

U9’s - U10’s (Boys)

2012 – 2014

Goalkeepers U10’s - U12’s

2012 – 2013

U11’s – U12’s (Boys)

7:20pm - 8:20pm

Session 3 (1h)

7:20pm - 8:20pm

Session 3 (1h)

2008 – 2011

U13’s – U16’s (Mixed)


The Hills Football Development Academy takes place in two locations across the Hills District, training on high-quality synthetic fields, in a COVID-Safe environment. 

Location 1. Bella Vista Public School

Location 2. The Hills Grammar School 



Mondays - Location 1. Bella Vista Public School 


Program length

Start Date

Finish Date

Term 1

10 weeks

Monday 29th of January

Monday 8th of April

Term 2

10 weeks

Monday 29th of April

Monday 1st of July

Term 3

10 weeks

Monday 22nd of July

Monday 23rd of September

Term 4

10 weeks

Monday 14th of October

Monday 16th of December

Wednesdays - Location 1. Bella Vista Public School 


Program length

Start Date

Finish Date

Term 1

10 weeks

Wednesday 31st of January

Wednesday 10th of April

Term 2

10 weeks

Wednesday 1st of May

Wednesday 3rd of July

Term 3

10 weeks

Wednesday 24th of July

Wednesday 25th of September

Term 4

10 weeks

Wednesday 16th of October

Wednesday 18th of December

Fridays - Location 2. The Hills Grammar School


Program length

Start Date

Finish Date

Term 1

10 weeks

Friday 2nd of February

Friday 12th of April

Term 2

10 weeks

Friday 3rd of May

Friday 5th of July

Term 3

10 weeks

Friday 26th of July

Friday 27th of September

Term 4

10 weeks

Friday 18th of October

Friday 20th of December


The Hills Football Development Academy costs $185 per term. Players are required to purchase a one-off HF Development kit for $35. This will only need to be purchased once throughout the year. Players must wear this kit to training each week. 


Contact Us

For more information regarding The Hills Football Development Academy, fill out the form below or contact Hills Football Association at hfdevelopment@hillsfootball.com.au